Our Stories

Mae Han (Sec 4 mum 2017)

Why do I join Parent Support Group?

Throwback to Year 2014 when my boy was Secondary 1 then … honestly, I did not fill up the application form.  I received an email invite me to the first PSG meeting but I did not turn up. I still remember clearly because that is my down time whereby my dad was at his last stage of cancer.  My mum suffers from Cataract, TB and Parkinson Disease.

I finally turn up 2nd meeting, Harlina (chairlady) introduce herself to me so warmly and tell me that just approach her if I have any problem. Then, she kicks off the meeting with the happening during the previous meeting and what are the fore coming events.  She is so selfless, she share with us the parenting tips with professionally slides shown on the screen and conduct small little test on which parenting style do you use. I still can remember she shared with us the four different types of style namely: Authoritarian, Permissive, and Uninvolved.  She is so eager to share what she know to all parents. She is simply awesome.

The most enjoyable part is the Sec 1 parents then that make me keep going.  We are so enthusiastic with the coming events like teachers day, charity bazaar that makes us running against time in the school kitchen preparing food for the event.  

Now, our kids are all secondary 4 which is the most challenging year.  Nevertheless, we are still sharing information just like 3 years … do your child enrol into the Alumni Mentor Program, do you know there are total 9 SPA that they going to take… why do they need to study till mid-night etc etc.  Phew … we are so blessed to have each other support to get through the transition from Primary School to Secondary.  Finally, the long waiting final graduation exam already begins in February and only be done by end of the Year.  Pray to keep the Fuhuanite have the spirit of fighting and win the war beautifully.

Aside from the academic support, we support one another during our down time when we do not feel good in one way or another.  The support given make us feel that we are not alone. We are in one big family that bond each other tightly together. And we all feel that whenever we able to help someone, we are more happy then the want who receive the help.

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